Italy’s national populist government arrests captain of a migrant NGO transport ship – Voice of Europe

Last week, national populist interior minister Matteo Salvini declared victory after Italian police arrested the captain of the Sea Watch, a migrant NGO transport vessel which defied military orders not to dock at the southern port in Lampedusa.

Quelle: Italy’s national populist government arrests captain of a migrant NGO transport ship – Voice of Europe

No Peace as Long as Iran’s Mullahs Enjoy Power

Already eight years ago, the head of Iran’s Quds Force, Qassem Soleimani boasted to the US General David Petraeus that: ‘You should know that I… control policy for Iran with respect to Iraq, Lebanon, Gaza and Afghanistan. The ambassador in Baghdad is a

Quelle: No Peace as Long as Iran’s Mullahs Enjoy Power

Kein Frieden, solange die iranischen Mullahs an der Macht sind

Bereits vor acht Jahren prahlte der Chef der iranischen Quds Force, Qassem Soleimani, vor dem US-General David Petraeus: ‘Sie sollten wissen, dass ich… die Politik des Iran gegenüber dem Irak, dem Libanon, dem Gazastreifen und Afghanistan kontrolliere.

Quelle: Kein Frieden, solange die iranischen Mullahs an der Macht sind