LOL: Antifa Storms EMPTY Shelter for Illegal Immigrant Children in Chicago (VIDEO) — The Gateway Pundit

Antifa militants stormed an Immigration and Customs Enforcement building in Chicago on Friday as part of a “May Day” protest. Their efforts were pointless, as The Heartland Alliance building is currently vacant as it is undergoing renovations. The Heartland Alliance is a non-profit organization that runs shelters to care for migrant children who have been…

über LOL: Antifa Storms EMPTY Shelter for Illegal Immigrant Children in Chicago (VIDEO) — The Gateway Pundit

VIDEO: Open Illinois Rally on May Day in Chicago versus the Communist May Day Rally — The Gateway Pundit

Protest video by Andrew Marcus, documentary filmmaker Illinois Governer J. B. Pritzker has the state in lockdown and businesses shut down until the end of May. An Illinois legislator last Wednesday filed a second legal challenge to Pritzker saying the Democrat governor’s emergency powers are limited to 30 days and that Pritzker therefore had no…

über VIDEO: Open Illinois Rally on May Day in Chicago versus the Communist May Day Rally — The Gateway Pundit

Government proposes ban on trans procedures for children — WND

The British government is proposing a complete ban on transgender medical procedures for children, and American lawmakers would be “wise” to follow that example, contends a leading family advocate. Peter Sprigg, senior fellow for policy studies for the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C., wrote that British officials don’t want to put young people…

über Government proposes ban on trans procedures for children — WND

Banks warned against processing ‘salaries’ for terrorists — WND

(Image courtesy Pixabay) Palestinian Media Watch, which has documented the Palestinian Authority’s payment of salaries to convicted terrorists or their families, is warning banks not to process funds for the salaries. PMW is responding to a new order from the Israel Defense Forces in Judea and Samaria barring any action with “terror assets” beginning May…

über Banks warned against processing ‘salaries’ for terrorists — WND