Trump Pays Tribute to Americans Who Fought in WWII on 75th Anniversary of V-E Day — The Epoch Times | The Epoch Times

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump laid a wreath at the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. today to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day (V-E Day) that marks the end of World War II. Seven World War II veterans, ages 96 to 100, joined them at the ceremony.…


über Trump Pays Tribute to Americans Who Fought in WWII on 75th Anniversary of V-E Day — The Epoch Times | The Epoch Times

Senator Ted Cruz Gets His Hair Cut at Shelley Luther’s Salon in Dallas (VIDEO) — The Gateway Pundit

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Friday flew from Houston to Dallas to get his hair cut at Shelley Luther’s salon after her release from jail. Texas salon owner Shelley Luther broke the state quarantine in late April to save her business and feed her children. Shelley was later served a citation from the city of…

über Senator Ted Cruz Gets His Hair Cut at Shelley Luther’s Salon in Dallas (VIDEO) — The Gateway Pundit

The coming epidemic of shortages — WND

As of April 25, 2020, more than 30 million Americans were receiving unemployment payments. Around 10 million more who had been self-employed were suddenly unable to earn an income yet found they could not file claims because of antiquated state systems. The federal CARE Act was passed by Congress to support all those now unable…

über The coming epidemic of shortages — WND

Peace of Mind — PeoPlaid

Says the Hippopotamus I am big and fat but I don’t think much about it Large a creature I am but it does not make me look down on the smaller ones I am slow but I make sure I reach my goals and though I am overweight I don’t throw my weight around For […]

über Peace of Mind — PeoPlaid

Lori Lightfoot’s 5-Step Plan to Reopen Chicago — magAMedia

Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Friday sketched out her arrangement to gradually revive Chicago, focusing on that testing accessibility and the pace of the coronavirus spread will direct whether the city advances toward another typical or falls once again into the exacting social removing measures that have disabled its economy. In any case, during a Friday…

über Lori Lightfoot’s 5-Step Plan to Reopen Chicago — magAMedia

COVIDIOTS gather with infected in order to catch virus — Toronto Sun

Amid a pandemic causing so much death and destruction, a bunch of cov-idiots are gleefully arranging gatherings with the stated intent to contract the virus, warn officials. Read More

über COVIDIOTS gather with infected in order to catch virus — Toronto Sun

Videos: Navy’s Blue Angels fly over Florida in salute to coronavirus fighters — American Military News

The U.S. Navy Blue Angels are giving thanks over Florida’s skies on Friday. “We salute and thank all healthcare workers, first responders and other essential personnel serving on the front lines of the fight against COVID-19,” is the mantra of both the Blue Angels and U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds as they travel throughout hard-hit areas…

über Videos: Navy’s Blue Angels fly over Florida in salute to coronavirus fighters — American Military News

Biden accuser: He should drop out of race — WND

A former Senate staffer for Joe Biden has told Megyn Kelly in her first on-camera interview she wants the presumptive Democratic nominee to withdraw from the presidential race. “I want to say, ‘You and I were there, Joe Biden. Please step forward and be held accountable. You should not be running on character for the…

über Biden accuser: He should drop out of race — WND

The Exoneration of General Flynn — Judicial Watch

Justice for General Flynn – and Our CountryJudicial Watch Filed a Lawsuit for Fauci and WHO RecordsCourt Allows Newsom to Give Cash to Illegal Aliens, But It’s Likely IllegalFeds Give $23 Million to ‘Community Organizations’ in Virus FightVirus Drug Controversy: Was Trump Right? Justice for General Flynn – and Our Country We welcome the…

über The Exoneration of General Flynn — Judicial Watch

Coronavirus inflicts huge U.S. job losses; Pence aide infected — Financial Post

WASHINGTON/NEW YORK — The coronavirus pandemic triggered the steepest monthly loss of U.S. jobs since the Great Depression, data showed on Friday, as a second White House aide was diagnosed with the respiratory infection, raising doubt that the highest levels of government are well protected. Read More

über Coronavirus inflicts huge U.S. job losses; Pence aide infected — Financial Post