Steele dossier ‘source’ investigated by FBI as possible Russian spy

Chuck Ross

Daily Caller News Foundation

The FBI opened a counterintelligence investigation on the primary source for dossier author Christopher Steele, and considered obtaining a warrant to wiretap him in 2010, according to a document released Thursday.

The FBI was also aware of the information about the source, identified elsewhere as Igor Danchenko, by December 2016, according to the document.

“This is the most stunning and damning revelation the committee has uncovered,” Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham said in a statement after releasing an FBI memo about the dossier source.

The document shows that the FBI considered a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant of Danchenko years before the bureau relied heavily on information that Danchenko had provided Steele, a former British spy, to obtain FISAs against Carter Page.

The information also could increase concerns that Russian disinformation was fed to Steele, a former MI6 officer who investigated the Trump campaign on behalf of the Clinton campaign and DNC. A Justice Department inspector general’s report released Dec. 9 said that the FBI received evidence in January and February 2017 that Russian intelligence officers may have planted disinformation in the dossier.

Footnotes from the IG report say that two Russian intelligence officers knew in July 2016 that Steele was investigating the Trump campaign.

According to the FBI document, Danchenko had contact with suspected Russian intelligence officers in Washington, D.C. in 2005 and 2006.

The document says that the FBI had an investigation into Danchenko open from May 2009 to March 2011, based on an interaction he allegedly had with three employees of an American think tank.

Danchenko worked at the time as a Russia analyst for the Brookings Institution, a prominent liberal foreign policy think tank.

An employee of the think tank said that another employee, seemingly Danchenko, told others that if they got jobs in the government and obtained classified security clearances, they might be put them in touch with people so they could “make a little extra money.”

“The coworker did express suspicion of the employee and had questioned the possibility that the employee might actually be a Russian spy.”

The FBI opened a full counterintelligence investigation on Danchenko after discovering that he was an associate of two other subjects of FBI counterintelligence probes, the FBI assessment says.

FBI databases also showed that Danchenko had contact in September 2006 a Russian intelligence officer. The memo says that the intelligence officer invited Danchenko to his office at the Russian embassy. There, Danchenko allegedly told the officer that he was interested in entering the Russian diplomatic corps.

The intelligence officer contacted Danchenko four days later to work “on the documents and then think about future plans,” the memo says.

The following month, Danchenko contacted the Russian intelligence officer, and mentioned finding out whether “the documents can be placed in tomorrow’s diplomatic mail pouch.”

Danchenko also had contact in 2005 with a Russian intelligence officer based in Washington, according to the memo.

The FBI interviewed several of Danchenko’s associates, according to the memo. One said that while Danchenko was not anti-American, he often presented pro-Russian viewpoints.

Two interview subjects said that Danchenko “persistently” asked them about their knowledge of a U.S. military vessel.

The memo says that an FBI field office initiated the process for applying for a FISA on Danchenko in July 2010. The bureau dropped the issue after Danchenko left the country in September 2010.

“Because the Primary Sub-source had apparently left the United States, the FBI withdrew the FISA application request and closed the investigation,” the memo says.

Documents showing that the inquiry was closed say that the FBI would consider reopening an investigation of Danchenko if he returned to the U.S. The FBI memo says that an investigation of Danchenko was never reopened, even after he returned to the U.S.

Danchenko told the FBI in January 2017 that he began working for Steele’s firm, Orbis Business International, at some point after he left the Brookings Institution in 2010.

Danchenko also worked for a Washington, D.C.-based consulting firm called Sidar Global Ventures.

Cenk Sidar, the owner of Sidar Global, told The Daily Caller News Foundation in August that while he never met Danchenko, he believed he was a good analyst on Russia issues.

“I don’t know him personally or don’t have anything to say about his work quality as there were other people who managed him but in general, he is a smart guy and knows well about Russia,” Sidar said.

Two FBI employees and two Justice Department prosecutors interviewed Danchenko over the course of three days in January 2017, the memo says.

According to a declassified memo of the interviews, Danchenko said that Steele overstated some of the information that ended up in the dossier. He said that Steele portrayed allegations in the dossier as having more confirmation than they actually did.

Danchenko also described six sub-sources he used for various allegations in the dossier.

The Daily Caller News Foundation reported in August that Danchenko met with two Russian associates in Russia on June 15, 2016, five days before Steele wrote the first memo in the dossier.

Danchenko met with Ivan Vorontsov, the editor of a financial journal, and Sergey Abyshev, who then served as an official in the Russian ministry of energy.

Danchenko’s attorney, Mark Schamel, did not respond to a phone call seeking comment.

Attorney General William Barr, who declassified the document, said that he consulted with U.S. Attorney John Durham, who is investigating aspects of Crossfire Hurricane. Barr told Graham that Durham said releasing the document would not interfere with his investigation.

This story originally was published by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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And those Face Shields -They Don’t Work Either

Face Shields Ineffective at Trapping Aerosols, Says Japanese Supercomputer

Simulation using world’s fastest supercomputer casts doubt on effectiveness in preventing spread of coronavirus

Justin McCurryin TokyoTue 22 Sep 2020 02.19 EDT

3463A butcher wearing a full-face visor in north London. Photograph: Isabel Infantes/AFP/Getty Images

This week, senior scientists in Britain criticised the government for stressing the importance of hand-washing while placing insufficient emphasis on aerosol transmission and ventilation, factors that Japanese authorities have outlined in public health advice throughout the pandemic.

As some countries have attempted to open up their economies, face shields are becoming a common sight in sectors that emphasise contact with the public, such as shops and beauty salons.  (See link for article)



The study found that 100% of small droplets of less than 20 micrometers got right around the face shield.

But that’s not stopping ‚authorities‘ from tasing and arresting people that are even outside!

You may be thinking, „What’s the big deal? Just follow the rules and wear the mask.“

These rules are bogus and based on mythology.  COVID is a virus that laughs at masks, kind of like ticks laugh at the weather.  It’s tiny.  If people are that worried about getting sick – STAY HOME, but the rest of the world should be allowed to move on.  COVID isolation has caused enough devastation.

Face masks aren’t without negative side-effects and they were never intended to be worn all day long by everyone:

According to this, doctors in Turkey are warning against mask misuse as they can cause infections:

Important excerpt:

“In order to use those special masks the medical staff are trained and educated, so it is important that the masks are worn properly,” Azap said. “I see people wearing the N95 in planes and airports and I have never seen a single person wearing it right!”

Azap said due to the lack of masks, they are often reused for a few days and in some cases washed and worn again, which is the biggest invitation for infections. 

A developer of PPE, N95 masks also says they don’t work:

All the science on masks you could ever want or need:  Here we see mask usage didn’t help one bit and might have made things worse.

The CDC and WHO know they don’t work (just like they know Lyme can be a persistent infection but won’t admit it publicly):

But more importantly, our bodies were designed with an immune system that needs to be challenged.  We are tactile creatures that need to breathe, touch, and be touched. Living in a sterile environment actually predisposes you to allergies and other immune issues.

These Oxford scientists put it best:

Today, our bewildered Prime Minister and his platoon of inept advisers might as well be using the planets to guide us through this pandemic, so catastrophic and wildly over-the-top are their decisions.

We’ve returned to the Middle Ages.

September 25, 2020

Tschechen verlängern Betrieb im Atomkraftwerk Temelin – ohne Beteiligung Österreichs

Die tschechische Atomaufsichtsbehörde hat dem Atomkraftwerk Temelin eine unbefristete Genehmigung für den weiteren Betrieb des Blocks 1 erteilt. Mit dieser Behördenentscheidung wird eine Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung unter Einbeziehung der betroffenen Nachbarländer für eine Betriebslaufzeit-Verlängerung des umstrittenen AKWs umgangen. Österreich als Nachbarland verliert dadurch alle Anrainerrechte, wie auch der ORF berichtet.

Die Inspektoren der tschechischen Atomaufsichtsbehörde gaben an, 163.000 Seiten an Dokumenten geprüft und mehr als 200 Kontrollen im AKW durchgeführt zu haben. Offiziell gaben sie über eine tschechische Nachrichtenagentur bekannt, dass sie „nichts gefunden hätten“, das gegen eine Verlängerung der Genehmigung sprechen würde.

Verstoß gegen UNO-Konventionen

Unabhängig von diesem umfassenden Umweltverträglichkeitsverfahren muss der Energiekonzern CEZ in jährlichen Abständen Informationen über die Sicherheit des Kraftwerks, die technischen Standards und das eingesetzte Personal an die Atomaufsichtsbehörde abliefern. Das soll eine Erfüllung der Voraussetzungen für einen sicheren Betrieb gewährleisten.

Die Erfüllung der im Jahre 1991 unterzeichnete Konvention der UNO-Wirtschaftskommission für Europa (UNECE) sieht allerdings eine Beteiligung von betroffenen Staaten wie etwa Österreich und deren Öffentlichkeit an UVP-Verfahren bei Vorhaben mit möglicherweise erheblichen grenzüberschreitenden Auswirkungen vor. Das verhindert Tschechien seit Jahren.

Heuer schon zwei Störfälle samt Abschaltung

Atomenergie-Experten sind über diese Rechtsmeinung und Vorgangsweise der Atomaufsichtsbehörde in Tschechien umso verwunderter, als vor einer knappen  Woche wieder ein massiver Störfall im Block 1 des AKW Temelin zu einer Abschaltung der Anlage geführt hatte.

Die häufigen Abschaltungen sind rein technisch betrachtet für die Fachleute bereits ein erhöhter Risikofaktor. Zuvor hatte es im Mai einen Störfall gegeben, der ebenfalls zu einer Abschaltung der Atomkraftwerksanlage im Block 1 geführt hatte.


Der Beitrag Tschechen verlängern Betrieb im Atomkraftwerk Temelin – ohne Beteiligung Österreichs erschien zuerst auf Unzensuriert – Demokratisch, kritisch, polemisch und selbstverständlich parteilich.