Judge Rules Against Oregon Governor’s Restrictions On Religious Gatherings: ‘Null And Void’ — 100PercentFedUp.com

The following article, Judge Rules Against Oregon Governor’s Restrictions On Religious Gatherings: ‘Null And Void’, was first published on 100PercentFedUp.com. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, Oregon Governor Kate Brown has put certain restrictions on religious gatherings. It’s a problem we have seen in many other states as well. In Oregon, a judge just ruled against…

über Judge Rules Against Oregon Governor’s Restrictions On Religious Gatherings: ‘Null And Void’ — 100PercentFedUp.com

Isn’t This Extortion? Governor Gavin Newsom Promises “First Responders Are the First Ones to Be Laid Off” Unless California Gets More Govt. Cash — The Gateway Pundit

California Governor Gavin Newsom promised to lay off first responders first unless the state gets more government cash. The Golden State is still in lockdown under Newsom’s iron fist despite the low number of coronavirus deaths in the state. But Newsom wants his fellow Americans to fork over the cash or he’ll start laying off…

über Isn’t This Extortion? Governor Gavin Newsom Promises “First Responders Are the First Ones to Be Laid Off” Unless California Gets More Govt. Cash — The Gateway Pundit

Breaking: Trump tweets an ultimatum to the World Health Organization over coronavirus and China — TheBlaze

President Donald Trump sent a letter to the World Health Organization laying out their failures in the response to the coronavirus pandemic, and giving them an ultimatum. The president tweeted the letter on his official social media account on Monday. “This is the letter sent to Dr. Tedros of the World Health Organization. It is…

über Breaking: Trump tweets an ultimatum to the World Health Organization over coronavirus and China — TheBlaze

Brauereien kämpfen in Krise: Fassbierabsatz eingebrochen — Nachrichten für das Saarland, Deutschland und die Welt | Saarbrücker Zeitung

Ein kühles Helles mit Freunden am Stammtisch in der Kneipe, in den vergangenen Wochen eine Illusion. Jahrmarkt, Kerb, Sportevent: Fehlanzeige. Nicht nur den Wirten, auch den Brauereien brechen die Umsätze ein. Betroffen ist besonders der Absatz von Fassbier.

über Brauereien kämpfen in Krise: Fassbierabsatz eingebrochen — Nachrichten für das Saarland, Deutschland und die Welt | Saarbrücker Zeitung

Sex workers and their invisible plight — Health Issues India

The global COVID-19 pandemic has created disruption to everyday life unprecedented in recent memory. Nobody’s life has been untouched by the pandemic. However, for marginalised groups, the disruption is acutely felt – and one group hit especially hard by COVID-19 is sex workers. Estimates as to the number of sex workers in India vary. A…

über Sex workers and their invisible plight — Health Issues India

REOPEN AMERICA: Coronavirus Deaths Decrease Despite CDC Instructions to Count ‘Presumed’ Cases in the Coronavirus Totals — The Gateway Pundit

Two months ago, on March 17, 2020, we reported that the controversial Ethiopian politician and Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. He claimed in a press conference in early March that the fatality rate for the coronavirus was 3.4% — many multiples that of the fatality rate of the common…

über REOPEN AMERICA: Coronavirus Deaths Decrease Despite CDC Instructions to Count ‘Presumed’ Cases in the Coronavirus Totals — The Gateway Pundit

“Marionette” Chinas: Trump droht WHO mit Ausstieg der USA — n-tv.de – Startseite

Mitte April platzt US-Präsident Trump der Kragen: Inmitten der Coronavirus-Pandemie legt er die Beitragszahlungen seines Landes an die Weltgesundheitsorganisation auf Eis und erhebt schwere Vorwürfe. Nun legt Trump nach und “bedankt” sich auch bei China.

über “Marionette” Chinas: Trump droht WHO mit Ausstieg der USA — n-tv.de – Startseite

Verbandsumfrage: Viele Autozulieferer befürchten starke Jobverluste — Nachrichten für das Saarland, Deutschland und die Welt | Saarbrücker Zeitung

Überkapazitäten bei Herstellern, schwindende Aufträge bei Zulieferern – die Corona-Folgen setzen die Autoindustrie immer mehr unter Druck. Warnungen vor massivem Arbeitsplatzabbau nehmen zu. Aber auch die möglichen Abhilfen bleiben hoch umstritten.

über Verbandsumfrage: Viele Autozulieferer befürchten starke Jobverluste — Nachrichten für das Saarland, Deutschland und die Welt | Saarbrücker Zeitung