“London isn’t an English city anymore”: John Cleese hot take sparks Twitter firestorm – Voice of Europe

British comedy icon John Cleese’s claim that London is no longer an “English city” has unleashed a flood of reaction on Twitter as Brits latch onto another topic to fight about, RT.com writes.

Quelle: “London isn’t an English city anymore”: John Cleese hot take sparks Twitter firestorm – Voice of Europe

Iran’s Plans to Kidnap and Kill More Americans

A leading Republican lawmaker, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), also the ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, has pointed out that recent intelligence obtained about Iran’s threat was extremely detailed. These are simply preemptive

Quelle: Iran’s Plans to Kidnap and Kill More Americans

Iran Plant die Entführung und Tötung weiterer Amerikaner

Ein führender republikanischer Gesetzgeber, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), auch der ranghöchste Republikaner im House Foreign Affairs Committee, hat darauf hingewiesen, dass die jüngsten Erkenntnisse über Irans Bedrohung extrem detailliert waren. Dies

Quelle: Iran Plant die Entführung und Tötung weiterer Amerikaner

Most Europeans believe the European Union will collapse in the coming decades – Voice of Europe

According to a survey that was commissioned by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) think tank, more than half of Europeans think that the European Union is likely to collapse within a single generation.

Quelle: Most Europeans believe the European Union will collapse in the coming decades – Voice of Europe