Unsere Gottkanzlerin ist völlig abgehoben, die kriegt nicht mit was draußen los ist — dieAfD.de

Dr. Alexandra Kloss im Gespräch mit Stephan Brandner – 5 Fragen und 5 Antworten Vor 70 Jahren, am 5. Juni 1950 gründeten die Landesrundfunkanstalten die ARD. Stephan Brandner, stellvertretender Bundesvorsitzender der AfD, erkennt in dem Datum jedoch keinen Grund zu feiern – im Gegenteil: “Für die ARD ist es dringend an der Zeit, ihren Laden zu schließen und […]

Unsere Gottkanzlerin ist völlig abgehoben, die kriegt nicht mit was draußen los ist — dieAfD.de

Feds cancel rule demanding doctors do sex-‘change’ surgeries — WND

The federal government on Friday finalized a new rule that cancels an Obama administration requirement that doctors, when asked, must perform sex-“change” surgeries even if they believe it will harm their patients. “No doctor should be forced to perform a procedure she believes would harm a patient,” said Luke Goodrich, vice president and senior counsel…

Feds cancel rule demanding doctors do sex-‘change’ surgeries — WND

Minneapolis City Council unanimously votes to ABOLISH its PD and replace it with ‘a community-led public safety system’ – while NYC pushes plan to cut $1 BILLION from the NYPD budget — magAMedia

The Minneapolis City Council on Friday unanimously passed a resolution to replace the city’s police department with a community-led public safety system. The measure would take place over the next year as they select people from the community to enforce whatever needs to be done. The radical and nonsensical move comes just days after a veto-proof…

Minneapolis City Council unanimously votes to ABOLISH its PD and replace it with ‘a community-led public safety system’ – while NYC pushes plan to cut $1 BILLION from the NYPD budget — magAMedia

Lebanon protesters burn roads, clash with security — JPost.com – Homepage

The unrest comes as Beirut holds talks with the International Monetary Fund for a reform programme it hopes will secure billions of dollars in financing and put its economy back on track.

Lebanon protesters burn roads, clash with security — JPost.com – Homepage

Twitter: China deployed 150 times more fake-news accounts than Russia — WND

After the various means by which Russia allegedly interfered in the 2016 election were debunked, virtually all that was left was the dissemination of fake news on social media. And Robert Mueller’s special counsel team couldn’t even back its claim that the activity was tied to the Kremlin. Now, Twitter is putting the Russian interference…

Twitter: China deployed 150 times more fake-news accounts than Russia — WND