Hezbollah warns it will hit Israel again if IDF strikes, releases attack video — The Times of Israel

Both terror group and Jerusalem say further escalation unlikely, but are ready for further conflict; IDF tells northern communities to return to normal life

Hezbollah warns it will hit Israel again if IDF strikes, releases attack video — The Times of Israel

Yes, the 2020 election was stolen — WND

Mentally travel back in time to a few days before the Nov. 3, 2020 election. President Donald Trump was drawing massive overflow crowds to his daily rallies in cities across the nation, even holding five events in five different cities on the Sunday before Election Day. In every venue, the air was filled with thunderous…

Yes, the 2020 election was stolen — WND

China unveils 600 km/h Transrapid train — Asia Times

It’s fast, very fast. In fact, it is the fastest train the world. Capable of speeds up to 600 km/h ( (373 mph), China’s high-speed Maglev electric bullet train could very well close the gap between rail-based trains with a maximum speed of 350 km/h and aircraft with a flight speed of 800 to 900 km/h.…

China unveils 600 km/h Transrapid train — Asia Times

Ist doch irre, keine Täter-Hautfarbe durch DNA zu ermitteln, weil es rassistisch sein könnte — Politwelt.de

Dr. Alexandra Kloss im Gespräch mit Stephan Brandner – 5 Fragen und 5 Antworten Alexandra Kloss: „Ist doch irre, dass man sowas als ideologischen Gründen nicht tut, oder?“ Stephan Brandner: „Ja, absolut! Alle wissenschaftlichen Möglichkeit, die da sind, um einen Täter zu ermitteln, müssen doch ausgeschöpft werden.“ Aus dem AfD-Wahlprogramm: • Linke Gewalt bekämpfen, staatliche Fördergelder an Verpflichtungserklärungen, […]

Ist doch irre, keine Täter-Hautfarbe durch DNA zu ermitteln, weil es rassistisch sein könnte — Politwelt.de

Vaccine Propaganda BOT FARM Catapults Big Pharma Lies Across Social Media While Those Who Tell The Truth Are Silenced


Vaccine propaganda BOT FARM catapults Big Pharma lies across social media while those who tell the truth are silenced

08/04/2021 / By Lance D Johnson

Vaccine propaganda BOT FARM catapults Big Pharma lies across social media while those who tell the truth are silenced

Social media algorithms are being used to not only identify and eliminate certain facts and truths, but these AI systems are also being used to promote certain types of propaganda, to brainwash the public into accepting falsehoods as if they are popular messages of truth. To make matters worse, unscrupulous operatives are using vaccine propaganda BOT FARMS to catapult Big Pharma’s lies across social media, to instill fear in the public and advocate for more government and corporate control over lives. The latest bot farm was caught spreading lies about the unvaccinated to garner public support for vaccine passports and a system of segregation against healthy, naturally-immune people. (See link for article)



  • Personalized messages are being sent en masse & verbatim across several media platforms using fake bots
  • These are fake accounts not sent by real healthcare professionals
  • There may be paid internet trolls involved
  • Bot farms can be controlled from a single computer, hooked up to multiple phones & social media accounts
  • This deceptive propaganda is being used to gain acceptance for lockdowns, shame and segregate the unvaccinated, discourage and demoralize people from speaking out and taking action and to give the impression that a lie is a universal truth accepted by many
  • Do not engage these bots as they are programmed to defend an agenda
  • One such fake message as seen from top graphic states:

“I just left the ER. We are officially back to getting rushed by COVID-19. Delta Variant is running rampant and it’s MUCH more transmissible than the original virus. 99% of our ICU admits did NOT receive a vaccine.

  • Another example of how Twitter has weaponized it’s community standards is from Colorado with Congressional candidate, Dr. Debby Burnett, who blatantly LIED about her „hospital“ being full of COVID patients.  The only problem?  She’s a veterinarian.  She seemingly also works part-time in Wyoming as a physical therapist but certainly does not work in the ICU.  There were a total of 5 COVID patients in the entire Colorado Grand Junction metro area ICU.  Further, the Montana Cheyenne metro area has a total of 12 COVID patients – also far from „being full of COVID patients.“
  • The same article gave out another example of weaponizing social media when a person tweeted out a TikTok video of what appears to be a near relative of the banjo player in Deliverance reciting made up “facts”.  She states there are ZERO ICU beds in Arkansas.  The only problem is the actual data:  (As of 8/5/21)


Arkansas has reported having 1,059 staffed adult ICU beds. 458 are filled by non-COVID patients and 343 are filled by COVID patients. Overall, 801 out of 1,059 (76%) are filled.

By way of comparison, the usual occupancy rate for ICU beds is around 70%.

As they say, „Don’t believe everything you hear.“

For a news story on this topic:  https://rumble.com/vkqbqn-insanity-tiktok-influencers-paid-by-biden-to-shill-vaccine-to-kids.html  Scroll to about 8:00 to hear about how big government is in collusion with big tech to influence the young and impressionable to get the COVID shot.

via Madison Area Lyme Support Group

August 6, 2021

Gang Members Established ‘Autonomous Zone’ in Atlanta, Killed 8-Year-Old Girl during Police Protest — National Review

Turner’s family sued the city for allowing violent delinquents to establish an area of control around the Wendy’s.

Gang Members Established ‘Autonomous Zone’ in Atlanta, Killed 8-Year-Old Girl during Police Protest — National Review

FDP-Politiker: Das Karlsruher Urteil zum Rundfunkbeitrag ist „absolute Enttäuschung“ — CHRISTLICHES FORUM

Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat eine Erhöhung des Rundfunkbeitrags angeordnet, die das Land Sachsen-Anhalt blockiert hatte. Am 8. Dezember 2020 hatte Sachsen-Anhalts Ministerpräsident Reiner Haseloff (CDU) die Vorlage für den Landtag zurückgezogen, die die Ratifizierung des Medienänderungsstaatsvertrags vorsah. Durch die Entscheidung in Karlsruhe steigt der monatliche Rundfunkbeitrag nun um 86 Cent auf 18,36 Euro. „Das Urteil des […]

FDP-Politiker: Das Karlsruher Urteil zum Rundfunkbeitrag ist „absolute Enttäuschung“ — CHRISTLICHES FORUM

Canadian Court Victory Results in ALL Restrictions Being Dropped in Alberta As They Can’t Prove COVID Has Been Isolated

https://rumble.com/vkorz0-freedom-fighter-court-victory-ends-masking-shots-quarantine-in-alberta.html  News video Here  (Approx. 17 Min)

Canadian Court Victory Results in ALL Restrictions Being Dropped As They Can’t Prove COVID Exists

Published August 3, 2021 

„Must see“ video of Canadian resident Patrick King on the Stew Peters Show. 

King represented himself in court after being fined $1200 for protesting.  He subpoenaed the Provincial Health Minister for proof of the so-called COVID „virus“.  They were unable to provide evidence that the virus has been isolated.  Therefore the government had no legal grounds to impose any restrictions.

Due to this revelation, the Province has rescinded all COVID restrictions and now is officially admitting that COVID is nothing more than a flu.



This supposed COVID „virus“ has never been truly isolated from all else.  Isolated and purified FROM ALL ELSE, and then proven to cause illness.

Isolation means many things to researchers and many claim they have done it; however, when you dig deeply you realize that what they call isolation is a laboratory soup with many things in it.

China’s Chief Epidemiologist Dr. Wu Zunyou, states:


UK officials couldn’t prove COVID exists either.

Dr. Kaufman explains why lack of isolation means there is no proof that a Covid-19 „virus“ exists and, instead, could be merely a variant of the common flu. The interview of Kaufman on the Highwire in the following link includes a summary of the debate between advocates of the germ theory and the terrain theory of disease. Be prepared for a deep dive into concepts and dogma that seldom are discussed but which are critical to disease control. 2020-07-20 – Source: Andrew Kaufman

I’ve been posting on the lack of viral isolation/purification from the beginning.  If you are unfamiliar with this topic, see  this article.

I was first introduced to this through the book, „Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits at Our Expense“, written by a doctor and an investigative journalist.  

Isolation/purification is important to understand at the foundational level as this is what the entire house of cards is built upon.  

It also explains why testing is a complete joke.You can not test for something you haven’t isolated/purified.  You also can’t prove it causes illness.

Recently, the CDC quietly withdrew Emergency use Authorization (EUA) for the RT PCR Test because it finally admitted it can not distinguish between COVID and the flu.

This fact has been known for at least a year.  The fact the CDC finally took this action demonstrates they have something new up their sleeve. That something new is lucrative „new and improved“ tests.  The CDC never does anything unless they have a vested interest in doing it.  

According to Jon Rappoport, the CDC/FDA is essentially confessing that they didn’t have a “virus” to begin with when they concocted the test using contrived samples of the virus. In short, they invented synthetic gene sequences and stated these sequences HAD TO BE close to the sequence of SARS-CoV-2. There is still no proof there is something called SARS-CoV-2. This article shows that the sequence used in PCR testing is present in ALL human DNA which equates C8 as a foreign hostile material and indeed the coronavirus – Covid19 – itself.

Each of the 59 different PCR tests for SARS-CoV-2 told different lies and concocted different fabrications about the genetic makeup of the virus—the virus we didn’t have. Obviously, then, these tests would give unreliable results.BUT, don’t worry, be happy, because NOW, the CDC and the FDA say, they really do have actual virus samples of SARS-CoV-2 from patients; they have better targets for the PCR test, and labs should start gearing up for the new and improved tests. In other words, they were lying THEN, but they’re not lying NOW. They were “contriving,” but now they’re telling the truth.

Rappoport states virology’s version of “we isolated the virus” to mean they created a soup in the lab containing monkey cells, toxic chemicals, drugs and random genetic material.  Researchers than assume that cells die due to a bit of mucus from a patient they dropped in the soup, therefore the virus must be the killer agent in the mucus – when it very well could be any of the components within the contrived soup.

They will now continue spinning their narrative utilizing these phoney tests.

For more on the inaccuracy of the test:

Again, no one is stating people aren’t becoming ill and even dying from something.  But, they haven’t proven it’s from COVID-19 due to the lack of isolation/purification. This is very important because similarly to the PTLDS moniker for Lyme/MSIDS, it’s a slight of hand to direct our attention away from the truth and instead rivet upon Newspeak, or a false narrative built on assumptions –not scientific proof. 

Some recent talks have been given by knowledgable practitioners on what illness this actually is (a bioweapon utilizing spike proteins that damage the lungs & organs).  Dr. Merrit’s talk “Biowarfare & weaponization of medicine amid COVID” can also be found here since Youtube censored it.

I write about our personal experiences with the supposed COVID  illness here(Scroll to comment section.  All treatments should be discussed with your practitioner.)  Similarly with Lyme/MSIDS, good doctors giving the truth on effective treatments are being heavily censored and persecuted – but these treatments exist, work well, are safe, and are cheap.

Also See:  

For a mounting list of adverse reactions and deaths from the dangerous COVID injections which are being downplayed and censored:  https://madisonarealymesupportgroup.com/2020/12/21/warning-3150-injuries-in-1st-week-of-covid-vaccines-among-american-healthcare-workers-pregnant-women-included/

via Madison Area Lyme Support Group

August 6, 2021

Disturbing video shows woman casually shoot victim dead on crowded NYC street — Canada Free Press

Shocking video obtained by The Post shows the moment a woman with a gun walked up to another woman and shot her dead on a crowded Prospect Heights street Tuesday – before casually strolling away. The video shows a shooter wearing a purse walk up to 42-year-old Delia Johnson and shoot the unsuspecting victim in…

Disturbing video shows woman casually shoot victim dead on crowded NYC street — Canada Free Press